Saturday, April 17, 2010

Female Operatives - A Different Breed

I remember my mom telling me, "Darling, God gave women feminine wiles. Use them wisely."
This advice has come in particularly handy as a female  P.I. Operative and Investigation Agency owner.

I am often called in on cases after a male investigator has been unable to build a rapport with a man-hating witness.
Undercover, you couldn't pick me out of a crowd.
I am a chameleon by nature... and in this business, by design.

Men, by nature... if not by action.., tend to open doors to women which they may slam on another guy.
As a female operative, you saunter up to a bar on a domestic, over-service or locate... and you are an object of attention rather than competition.
Being a female operative does, however, have it's drawbacks.
Particularly when  surveillance assignments outlast the bladder.
Yet even then, we are imaginative, resolute and manage to keep our vigil, cases and clients.

If you haven't read" Pursuit Magazine" yet this would be the time to start.
Because one of their most recent stories is about precisely this subject.
It's by Thomas H. Humphreys, an award winning journalist who shares his life and work with his wife Kim Green, also an outstanding female operative. They have their own full service private investigations company.

It's a must read for any one who is a P.I. or thinking of becoming and women alike.
Ultimately, we all work this business together, despite the differences in our respective chromosomes.
Evidently Charlie knew all this stuff when he hired his Angels.

Just follow the  below or the title of this post to get there.
Go to "The Unburnable Female Operative" by Thomas Humphreys

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