Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mary Kay Letourneau Update

Anyone who lives in the  Pacidic Northwest knows about Mary Kay LeTourneau and her honey Vili Fualaau. She first met him when he was a student in the elementary school she taught at.
As I recall he was six when they first met.

I thought I'd share an update on the case because admittedly, I am fascinated by Mary Kay.
I've ready every book written on her, been to the scene where she was arrested by the Burien Marina with Vili in her car, saw her Perp Walk in the courthouse.
She had so much, including a  gaggle of kids, a handsome hubby who loved her, a job and school that valued her. Yet she gave it all up for the only answer she would give.

Powerful word.
It leads us to feel whole or empty, valued or non-existent, respected or demeaned, cherished or detested.
In some, the words "I love you"  transforms the world into magical, gleeful, safer place.
To others, the words bring conflict from never hearing them at all, Or hearing them too much.
For some, the word "love" signifies contentment.
For others, it's a prison.

There's an old saying,
"Leap and the net will appear."

In Mary's case, she leapt and the net never appeared.
Even though she thought it was there. It was not.
She has taken a huge fall from grace.
Imho, by appearing at and promoting the following event, she went "splat" in the class-act department.

Go To: Mary Kay Letourneau - Hot For Teacher Night


  1. I believe that Mary should not have at to suffer the pain she went through. I don't believe it was fair for vili to have kids at the age he was, but it happened they should have been able to raise there children together. If they both agreed that they were in love and they both agreed it wasn't rape then why let them suffer. 13 and 30 is a large amount of years but fate is what kept them together.

  2. as long as a 33 year old man is not allowed to have a relationship with a 13 year old girl defending these two is the highest form of hypocrisy. after all we say girls mature faster than boys mentally, emotionally and physically so wouldn't they be better with older, mature, stable men? yeah right! the stake for him, movie and book deals for her!

    1. In other countries girls who are viewed as "woman" are married off even at a yonger age than 13. Our "FREE" country sure has a way of dictating how each and every one of us lives our lives. I think that love is love and faith is faith. If something is meant to be it is, and for them, THANK GOD, it is!

  3. I think that everyone needs to learn how to chill out especially around others! I am so afraid that the next generation will be worse but it couldn't be! Eat right, go to school and live by the golden rule ! Hopefully! I love your blogs and all the interesting stuff all over !! Thanks and keep them coming as you are so normal!
