Thursday, March 4, 2010

"A Brief Interlude With Holmes And Watson"

I truly intended to write a blog today. I really did.
However, some cases came through and that helps feeds the family, so off I go.

So I leave you with this for now.
This post is a fun read that  comes from one of my FB friends, David Ruffle, who lives an ocean away...  yet, like me, has a thing for a things Sherlock Holmes and his loyal steadfast sidekick Watson.. David gave me permission to post this.


When I glance over my notes and records of cases that Sherlock Holmes had been involved in to some degree, I am faced by so many that are out of the commonplace and present some singular, strange features that it is no easy matter for this humble chronicler to decide what narratives to lay before the public. The incident I am about to relate involved no known crime and the puzzle it presented to Holmes was one with no solution, yet it begs to be recalled as one of those whimsical moments that can occur at any time in a great city.

We both had broken our fast early for the heat was stifling and neither of us had felt able to sleep. The sunlight reflected off the buildings opposite, light danced and filled the street and the early morning murmour of the city coming to life was now bursting into a symphony of noise, a paean to the rich, varied life that went on in London.

Holmes was busy reading The Times and I was attempting to write up the case of the Gondolier and the Russian Countess when we heard footsteps ascending the stairs.

Holmes looked up " Two men, Watson, one certainly taller and larger framed than the other, but even so as nimble and fleet of foot as his companion."

I had no time to reply before the door was flung open and two men such as described by Holmes entered the room.

The larger of the two men, who towered over his companion addressed us, " Pardon me gentlemen for the intrusion, but we appear to be lost."

" Yes, that's right ". said his companion " and we don't know where we are either."

" You are in Baker Street. " I answered.

" Baker Street where Sir ? " asked the amply proportioned one.

" In London of course "

" London ? London ?? " he turned to his friend and said " Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into "

His response was to burst into tears " I didn't mean to......I couldn't help it.....I just touched the button ."

" You just can't leave anything alone can you ? Pardon me, let me explain."

" Yes, please do." said Holmes " Beyond the obvious facts that you are both down on your luck, have both been in the US Navy, have wives who hen-peck you, are regularly harassed by a balding Scotsman I assure you I know nothing about you whatsoever."

" Does this guy know us Ollie ? "

" He most certainly does not and don't call me Ollie ! Gentleman, my name is Hardy, Oliver Norvell Hardy and this is my friend Mr. Laurel."

" My name is Sherlock Holmes and this gentleman is Dr. Watson, now please explain to us the nature of your predicament. "

" Well, it's like this, we were doing some cleaning at the home of a scientist and he asked us not to touch a particular machine he was working on. Stan accidently pressed one of the buttons and engaged six of the gears and we found ourselves here in another country."

" Another country Ollie ? Is this London, England then ? asked Mr. Laurel.

" It certainly is." Mr. Hardy replied

" Thats swell, I had an Uncle once who was building a house in London, but he died. "

" I am sorry to hear that Mr. Laurel, what did he die of ? " I asked.

" A Tuesday.....or was it a Wednesday ?" he said looking most confused and ruffling his hair, which was standing up on end.

" No, my dear fellow, I meant what caused his death ? "

" He fell through a trapdoor and broke his neck. "

" Was he building his house at the time ? " I further asked.

" No, they were hanging him. " came the reply.

I looked across at Holmes and tried to get a silent message across that perhaps I should make an excuse to leave and send for the nearest Constable as we were obviously in the presence of two escaped lunatics. To my surprise, far from being alarmed in their presence, he was laughing in that peculiar silent fashion of his, so much so, the very chair he which he was sitting was rocking.

" Well, gentlemen. " Holmes said, his eyes twinkling merrily." I have some experience in the solving of puzzles and conundrums, but I fear this particular problem is beyond even my powers."

" Say, Ollie I have an idea."

Mr. Hardy's face bore a look of complete amazement at this remark from Mr. Laurel. " You do ? "

" Sure, I'm not as dumb as you look. "

" You certainly are not." answered Mr. Hardy. " Well " he said, twiddling his tie, " we will leave you gentlemen in peace. Come Stanley."

" Goodbye" shouted Mr. Laurel.

" Good day to you both." I said.

" Quick, Watson, we must run after them, not a moment is to be lost."

I was most gratified that Holmes had finally come to the same conclusion regarding our visitors as I had . "If we are to overcome them, should we not enlist the aid of the police Holmes ?"

" Overcome them Watson, I have no intention of doing that ."

" Then, why pray are we going after them ?" I asked.

" Because my dear fellow, I have not laughed this much in a long time. Come,Watson."

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