Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Playing The Part

Leroy Cook, my favorite "PI Pundit," wrote an excellent article called "A Private Investigator's Many Roles." In fact, I don't think I could've said it better myself. Which is why I'm posting it here.

Just click on the title of this post and it will get you to Pursuit Magazine and Leroy's article.

We Private Investigators learn our greatest lessons outside the classroom and on our own.
Like a child who learns not to touch a red hot burner by touching it that first time...
P.I.'s learn how to dodge bullets only after being fired at.
This business is truly one of trial by fire.

When we're doing a surveillance and we are seen by the subject, we call that "being burned."
I've been burned on a surveillance or two. Ok, maybe a few.

It's hard not to be seen, figured out, especially in this paranoid world.
Savvy investigators call the local police before staking out a certain area.
They let the police know who they are and why they are there just in case worried neighbors call in.
Yet, despite our best efforts, sometimes, things turn.
When we're burned, we call it it a day and drive away.
And maybe... come back the next day.... in a different car.

I especially like what my favorite PI Pundit has to say about how a good P.I. has to be a good actor. The roles we play are what get a reluctant subject or witness to talk. Or an overly anxious client who's flipping out... to stop, breathe and mellow out.

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