Thursday, January 7, 2010

Explosive Domestics

I've been a busy  Private Investigator this week, not just on Personal Injury cases -- also on Domestics. These are the most volatile of all investigations, particularly for Police Officers. They are among the top, if not THE top cause of death on Police calls.

Private Investigators rarely, if ever, enter homes when both combative spouses are there. They usually work for one side or the other. They are not dispatched to deescalate two combative alleged lovers. We have it much easier than Police on domestics and for that I am grateful.

Private Investigators are usually hired to uncover cheating spouses -- cheating in terms of fidelity or financial fraud. Often, we're hired in custody disputes -- to prove one spouse is using drugs, or another isn't talking care of a kid when he/she is supposed to. Many are the times a new partner... an unknown quotient... moves into a house and a background check is requested. Or imperative, when children are involved,imho.

At times, I have been hired to observe custody transfers in public places. I am one part of a team, all placed in position, each with a unique function... while we observe one estranged spoused deliver the children to another estranged spouse in a public lare like a parking lots or coffee shop.

Child custody transfers can be be volatile.
Even deadly.

The former and deceased Tacoma Police Chief David Brame shot his wife Crystal  in the head and then himself during one such custody transfer. The children were waiting in one car while dad shot mom in the other car. I was about three blocks away from the location where and when this happened. I recall refusing to believe a Police Chief could go crazy and commit such a horrific crime. But it's true. Google it.

Domestic disputes are never to be taken lightly. When one person leaves another, or cheats on another, the one left behind either lives through it or self-destructs. In the case of the latter, the self destruction may  take the form of suicide, homicide, or both.

You probably haven't heard of the case I am linking you to. There is black humor in it and I am posting it -- not to make light of such deadly situations.  Rather to show what insane situations people go to in the name of love.


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