Randy and Amy Loughner, are devastated "and they feel guilty for what happened," neighbor Wayne Smith, 70, told KPHO-TV.
"They want to know, where did they fail?" he said. "I told them they didn't fail. They taught him everything about right and wrong. We all know you can teach someone everything and have no control how it works out."
Loughner's mom has been in bed and crying nonstop since Saturday's slaughter, Smith said.
Neither parent has said anything publicly about the massacre, which left six dead and badly wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life.
While Loughner lived with his parents, it was a bad relationship, added Roxanne Osler of Tucson, whose son had been friends with the suspected shooter.
"What Jared did was wrong," she told The Washington Post. "But people need to know about him. I wish people would have taken a better notice of him and gotten him help. ... He had nobody, and that's not a nice place to be."
Loughner's parents were not in the Phoenix courtroom Monday when their disturbed 22-year-old son was ordered held without bail.
Meanwhile, Giffords' doctors reported more good news Tuesday - she is able to breathe on her own.
Giffords, who was shot in the head, also continues to respond to simple commands, which doctors take as a sign that her brain is less damaged than might be expected.
Her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, has been a constant presence at her bedside.
Authorities released a chilling mug shot of Loughner - sporting a shaved head and little smirk - that was taken shortly after shooting 20 innocent people in cold blood.
Loughner - whose rampage killed six - was hit with federal charges for trying to assassinate Giffords, a 40-year-old Democrat, murdering Federal Judge John Roll and Giffords' aide Gabe Zimmerman, and wounding two other congressional staffers.
State charges are pending.
Federal Magistrate Judge Lawrence Anderson ordered Loughner back to court Jan. 24, when a new judge will be appointed to hear the case.
No Arizona judge would take the case because all of them knew Roll.
Loughner was assigned one of the best public defenders in the land: San Diego lawyer Judy Clarke, who specializes in federal death penalty cases.
She helped defend Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph.
The Justice Department has not said if it will seek the death penalty for Loughner.
He has not revealed his motive.
President Obama, who along with the First Lady led the nation in a moment of silence Monday, plans to travel to Tucson on Wednesday to attend a memorial service for the victims.
"I think it's important for us to also focus ... on the extraordinary courage that was shown" by the Arizonans who tackled Loughner, Obama said.
He singled out Daniel Hernandez, the 20-year-old intern who ran into the line of fire to comfort Giffords; the three men who tackled the gunman, and 61-year-old Patricia Maisch, "who helped secure the ammunition that might have caused even more damage."
With Corky Siemaszko
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