Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Cheater Cheater"

Love this song. You might not. It might even offend you.
I think it's a hoot.
Everyone has relationship stories to tell.
Some are better sung than said and this would be one of those.
The song that follows these word is the perfect musical accompaniment to the article below from Pursuit Magazine.
And my special thanks to L. Scott Harrell and his team of writers from letting me share their words.

Scott knows as well as I...  and all P.I.'s... do, that domestics are a highly volatile undercurrent of the PI business. The good thing is, they pay. The bad thing is they sweep you up in their dark undercurrents and murky truths.  They are are dirty, they are dark and they lack any semblance of the sacred.

People cheat for a reason.
Either they are not getting everything they want from their partner and are too chicket sh**t to either deal with it directly (therapy or divorce), so they cheat.
Or they have a psychological need to show how hot they they are.
That psychological need can be tied to any number of factors most of which are linked to either insecurity or narcissism.
A serial cheater has a  constant need for affection, adulation, attention, anything and everything because nothing is enough.

In my opinion, like a beast that has its first taste of a blood, once a cheater, always a cheater.... until said cheater stops caring or dies.
It's usually the latter.

Cheaters, like vampires, feed off  others bodies.
It's a self serving, habitual or addictive act
The satisfaction the cheater gets is always temporary and must always be replenished.

So here's to people who have the courage to call the Cheater out.
To call it like they see it.
Joey + Rory sure do. 

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