Thursday, October 8, 2009


Fraud, fraud everywhere. As a PI, I'm seeing it expanding exponentially, are you?
People try to separate you from your money by any number of means. All of them illegal.

Usually it's best on financial fraud cases for Private Investigators like me to work with Forensic Accountants. Yet there are many forms of fraud that a savvy Private Eye can uncover on his or her own.

I have caught book keepers writing checks to themselves, their kids. I have seen receipts falsified. I have uncovered illegal and unethical business practices. And it only promises to get worse as the economy continues to tank.

Most fraud cases are the Soduku puzzles of investigation.
Though some are so obvious, so blatant, you wonder, "do they want to be caught?"

And research has shown, some fraudsters think the are "borrowing" the money and plan to return it later. It's delusional thinking, like a gambler's mindset.
Other fraudsters are more subtle and pull in the weak, the hungry, the desperate, or simply, the unsuspecting.

I like this story about fraud from Pursuit Magazine.
So let it tell tell you more than I ever could today.
To get there...
Click on the title of this article to link to Pursuit Magazine's excellent article "Understanding and Fighting Fraud."

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